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Apple Berry Smoothie

Apple Berry Smoothie Recipe Type: Beverages Author: Lifestyle Medical Center Prep time: 1 min Cook time: 4 mins Total time: 5 mins Serves: 1 Enjoy this delicious smoothie fresh out of the blender or portion into two popsicle molds and freeze for a sweet and healthy...

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Put Your Immune System on the Offense

Put Your Immune System on the Offense

If you’re living in North Carolina, consider yourself lucky: Our winters produce low temperatures just hovering around the freezing point of 32°.  There’s still a need to bundle up and take preventive steps to avoid getting a cold or worse, the flu. If you’re...

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Organic, Local & Affordable: NC Triangle Shopper’s Guide

Organic, Local & Affordable: NC Triangle Shopper’s Guide

You don’t have to look far to find reasons to eat organic, from better taste to a myriad of health benefits. However, figuring out what to buy and where to buy it can be difficult hurdles to overcome on your path to a healthy nutrition plan. This guide will help you...

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Don’t Cry Over Spilled Almonds: A Guide to Safe Food Storage

Don’t Cry Over Spilled Almonds: A Guide to Safe Food Storage

Staying healthy with a busy life can be quite the challenge, yet it’s totally do-able with some preparation. One of the key components of healthy meal planning is making sure that your food storage containers can stand up to your go-go-go lifestyle. Life is a lot...

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5 Tips to Avoid Overeating During the Holidays

5 Tips to Avoid Overeating During the Holidays

It’s holiday time, and you often get a sense of nostalgia when you spend time with family and friends, enjoying holiday activities and the foods you’ve eaten since childhood. So it’s no surprise that Americans gain between 5 and 7 lbs on average during the holiday...

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Have Fun and Get Fit – Social Fitness and You

Have Fun and Get Fit – Social Fitness and You

Spending time with friends is a great way to blow off some steam and get into a positive headspace, and social fitness is an excellent way to boost your motivation to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Also, you can transform that coffee date or dinner out into a healthy...

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Healthy, Low Calorie Snack Ideas for Busy People

Healthy, Low Calorie Snack Ideas for Busy People

A healthy diet is one of the keys to success if you’re trying to transform your lifestyle and boost your wellness and happiness. Although many people tackle healthy meal planning and come up with awesome ideas for incorporating better foods into their 3 squares a day,...

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Pregnancy Exercises: Getting the Basics Under Your Belt

Pregnancy Exercises: Getting the Basics Under Your Belt

If you’re pregnant (or planning a pregnancy) there are two vital issues to think about in terms of your lifestyle and routine: pregnancy nutrition and pregnancy exercise. Many people assume being pregnant limits what you can safely do with regard to exercise. If you...

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From Awareness to Fitness: Your Countdown to 5K

From Awareness to Fitness: Your Countdown to 5K

Is the crisp fall air recharging your wilted summer energy? Are you reinvigorated to set fitness goals that will enable you to enjoy long-term health and keep chronic health conditions under control? If so, we applaud you and want to help out by sharing some tips that...

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