Oct 18, 2016 | Blog, Healthy Eating, Meal Planning
As the weather cools off and the sun sets earlier, curling up with blankets and something warm to eat becomes more and more tempting. Cookouts are being replaced with slow cookers and picnics with cozy dinner parties. Fall weather also means you’ll want to spend less...
Oct 11, 2016 | Blog, Healthy Eating, Meal Planning
No matter how dedicated you are to your weight-loss program, hunger pangs can quickly derail your progress. When your stomach growls, it’s tempting to reach for the first edible item you see, whether it’s healthy or not. Avoiding temptation is as simple as adding high...
Aug 30, 2016 | Blog, Meal Planning
As Memorial Day signals the beginning of summer, Labor Day announces the season’s end. Fall is around the corner, but there will still be time to enjoy good weather, food and friends. So how do you make sure you have a healthy Labor Day? Make the most of the summer’s...
Aug 16, 2016 | Blog, Meal Planning, Weight Maintenance
Do you regularly use a protein shake or bar as a meal replacement or snack? Are you confused about the proper use and efficacy of these protein supplements? According to a recent evaluation, protein powder sales make up 70 percent of the booming $16 billion sports...
Dec 23, 2015 | Blog, Meal Planning
Staying healthy with a busy life can be quite the challenge, yet it’s totally do-able with some preparation. One of the key components of healthy meal planning is making sure that your food storage containers can stand up to your go-go-go lifestyle. Life is a lot...
Oct 14, 2015 | Blog, Meal Planning, Weight Maintenance
The leaves are changing and pumpkins are taking over your local stores.  You know what that means… fall is finally here. The crisp autumn air is perfect for those who are ready to take their workout routine outdoors, and the bounty of fall greens and winter squash can...