Oct 5, 2016 | Blog, Heart Health, Stress Management
We live in a world where stress is commonplace. What people may not realize is how damaging too much stress can be on the body. It can adversely affect anyone, particularly individuals suffering from heart disease, but understanding the root of your stress and how to...
Apr 6, 2016 | Blog, Food Portions, Mental Healthy, Stress Management
If you’re one of the 1 in 5 Americans who experience extreme stress, you could also be one of the millions who experience depression or anxiety disorders. Stress and depression appear to be a Catch-22: people who are stressed often engage in unhealthy behaviors, such...
Mar 16, 2016 | Blog, Stress Management
There are two types of stress: there’s the good kind, which motivates you and can help you stay focused in an emergency. The “fight or flight” response is considered good stress because it launches your body into survival mode when you need it. Then there’s the bad...