3 Easy Fall Vegetable Soups

3 Easy Fall Vegetable Soups

As the weather cools off and the sun sets earlier, curling up with blankets and something warm to eat becomes more and more tempting. Cookouts are being replaced with slow cookers and picnics with cozy dinner parties. Fall weather also means you’ll want to spend less...
8 Foods Packed with Protein

8 Foods Packed with Protein

No matter how dedicated you are to your weight-loss program, hunger pangs can quickly derail your progress. When your stomach growls, it’s tempting to reach for the first edible item you see, whether it’s healthy or not. Avoiding temptation is as simple as adding high...
5 Diabetes Symptoms You Should Know

5 Diabetes Symptoms You Should Know

Think you don’t have to worry about diabetes?  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 10 percent of people in the U.S. have the condition, and at least 1 in 3 will develop Type 2 diabetes in their lifetime. Recognizing diabetes symptoms...
Not so Fast! Do Fasting Diets Really Work?

Not so Fast! Do Fasting Diets Really Work?

If you want to lose weight, just don’t eat…It’s a logical thought, right? Unfortunately, the evidence to support this popular form of restrictive eating isn’t so cut and dried. Take a minute to check out these “fast facts” before you try fasting diets in the...