Mar 11, 2015 | Blog, Exercise, Weight Loss
A healthy diet is an essential part of the weight loss process, however exercise is a crucial component for improving results. The best exercise for weight loss is the one you actually get around to doing, so we’ve put together some exercise ideas to help you shed...
Dec 31, 2014 | Blog, Diabetes, Weight Loss
Type 2 diabetes occurs when your blood sugar or blood glucose levels are too high, and when your body is unable to bring these levels back down to normal fasting values of between 70-100mg/dl. Over time, high blood sugar levels and having diabetes can put you at risk...
Nov 2, 2014 | Blog, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance
Do you eat when you are feeling stress? You are not alone and there is a very good reason for it. Stress causes the adrenal glands to release the hormone cortisol, which increases your appetite. If stress is persistent, cortisol levels in your body will stay...
Oct 1, 2014 | Blog, Child Nutrition, Healthy Eating, Weight Loss
Healthy eating is about more than losing weight or maintaining a certain body weight or slimming down your waist size. In fact, healthy eating can lower the risk for conditions including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even many cancers, not...
Sep 18, 2014 | Blog, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance
Weight has a way of creeping up on us over time but there are several techniques that we can use to adopt a healthier lifestyle and establish a routine for sustainable, long-term weight management. Often, we counsel our weight loss patients to start by using a few of...
Aug 27, 2014 | Blog, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance
Reasons Your Body Needs Water It helps regulate a normal body temperature It carries nutrients to your organs and tissues It transports oxygen to your body cells It protects and lubricates your joints and organs It protects your spinal cord It helps regulate your...