Jan 14, 2015 | Blog, Healthy Eating, Healthy Recipes, Weight Maintenance
If you are looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, one important step in your journey is to start cooking more at home. If you do so, this means one thing – YES, you have to go to the grocery store! Grocery shopping can be fun but can also be confusing...
Nov 19, 2014 | Blog, Healthy Eating, Weight Maintenance
Thanksgiving is around the corner, and with it comes lots and lots of delicious food. Often we celebrate this holiday by overeating and—quite frankly—indulging to our heart’s desire. What’s the harm in a little weight gain anyway? Actually, quite a lot! The State of...
Nov 10, 2014 | Blog, Healthy Eating, Weight Maintenance
It’s almost Thanksgiving, and for most Americans this means eating – lots of eating, followed by weight gain. The average American consumes 3,000 calories and 225 grams of fat during one Thanksgiving meal. This doesn’t include the alcoholic drinks and high-caloric...
Nov 2, 2014 | Blog, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance
Do you eat when you are feeling stress? You are not alone and there is a very good reason for it. Stress causes the adrenal glands to release the hormone cortisol, which increases your appetite. If stress is persistent, cortisol levels in your body will stay...
Sep 18, 2014 | Blog, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance
Weight has a way of creeping up on us over time but there are several techniques that we can use to adopt a healthier lifestyle and establish a routine for sustainable, long-term weight management. Often, we counsel our weight loss patients to start by using a few of...
Aug 27, 2014 | Blog, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance
Reasons Your Body Needs Water It helps regulate a normal body temperature It carries nutrients to your organs and tissues It transports oxygen to your body cells It protects and lubricates your joints and organs It protects your spinal cord It helps regulate your...