Jul 15, 2024 | Blog, Weight Loss
Weight loss plateaus are normal yet very confusing for those embarking on their weight loss journey. Understanding why they exist and how to work through them is very important for the continued maintenance of your goals. In this video, Katie Godin, RD, LDN from...
Jun 26, 2024 | Blog, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance
At the core of any good weight loss plan is clearly understanding your body’s needs and limitations regarding nutrition, exercise, and medication. Today, we are fortunate to have several medication choices that may benefit patients in their weight loss journey. One of...
Jun 1, 2017 | Blog, Exercise, Stress Management, Summer, Weight Loss
By Ashton Jackson, RDN, LDN ATTENTION TEACHERS: You’ve spent the last 180+ days educating and nurturing young minds and chances are, you have put self-care for yourself on the back-burner. If the months of August through June were comprised of hit-or-miss breakfasts,...
Mar 2, 2017 | Blog, Exercise, Fitness, Heart Health, Weight Loss
Spring seems to be the season for cleaning: cleaning up our diets, cleaning out our closets, and dusting off our exercise gear. As this new season nears and we set aside time for healthier eating, organization, and exercise, let’s also stand up against sitting...
Sep 20, 2016 | Blog, Weight Loss
If you want to lose weight, just don’t eat…It’s a logical thought, right? Unfortunately, the evidence to support this popular form of restrictive eating isn’t so cut and dried. Take a minute to check out these “fast facts” before you try fasting diets in the...
Jul 5, 2016 | Blog, Healthy Eating, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance
Diet options are as varied as the many choices we make every day. The paleo diet is one of the most popular (and arguably one of the most controversial) diet choices available. Understanding the pros and cons of the paleo diet can help you determine whether this is an...